I have discovered a really cool over the counter product that will give your limp hair more volume and control. How easy is it? Wow... it couldn't be easier... who'd of thought that a dry hair shampoo could give texture to freshly washed clean hair that is too soft or limp to do anything? I found what this product can do kind of by accident when I was using it on 2nd day unwashed hair. It made my hair smell good but it also gave it some texture just like the Name implies, however I don't always believe what I read... so was pleasantly surprised. So, the following day I sprayed it into my freshly washed and dried (read soft and limp) hair and it gave me the body and lift at the roots I usually only get on the 2nd day when all the hair product I use has built up and combined with a microscopic amount of waxy sebum and debris from the scalp. (yes, I agree.. gross..:( In a good way, the dry spray shampoo somewhat simulates this conglomaration. It's combining a drying agent and blows colored powder between the hair follicles, plumping them up a little like a feather pillow. That brings to mind an old-school barber's trick that entails puffing the thinning hair of their gentleman clients with white powder and using hairspray to encapsulate the particles so that they give nearly same effect as the dry hair shampoo. Now, that reminds me of another story of the glamorous 1940's actress (I'll have to research this again since her name slips my mind) that had cotton fibers back combed into her hair to achieve the volume needed to create her professionally crafted crown of hair. (the Starlets and Stars today get hair extensions and such and the papparazi & even the public have the images up on the internet in a matter of minutes.. but I digress and will try to get back with some updates on that story at a later time.) Well, why not give it a try yourself, if you haven't considered it. It works great to refresh your hair if you don't have time to wash it and imparts a fresh, clean scent. You'll love it especially if you have thin or fine hair. But the colored variety helps blend away graying roots between touch ups. At 8 bucks for the colored sprays & 6 bucks for the unscented how can you go wrong... ![]()